Hi, we're not a hosting company. You host Pulse anywhere you like. On your server, a shared server, your client's server. No monthly fees to us and security and peace of mind for you.
Watch our easy installation video 133 Seconds

Just some of the hosts.
Pulse works with any Apache web host (even shared hosting) that runs PHP 7.0 or higher. If yours is not listed above just check their spec or run our quick and free server test to make sure you're good to go.
DOWNLOAD our server testPulse also runs on servers with PHP 7, Nginx and cloud services like Amazon EC2 or Digital Ocean. Enjoy it on your server setup.

You can also test locally.
Should you wish to test your sites before going live, you can run them locally using a local server such as MAMP. No database needed so just publish.
We also run our Pulse install through GitHub for version control via the GitHub app and deploy to the server that way. Another hassle free workflow.

Do you want to host your site on any basic server?
You'll never have to worry about server performance, optimisation or speed again with Pulse. Just get the basic hosting plan.