Mary Grooteman
Web developer and painter from The Netherlands shares her Pulse story.
I work my way.
"I feel like the way I am working is not the way most dev's work...but I like it this way."

I make websites, arrange hosting, set up email and those sort of things.

Clients feel nice and simple.
"I've built about 23 sites in Pulse have been using it for the past few years. Clients feel nice and simple using it and it's easy for me to hand code site designs before handing the admin UI editor over to the clients.
I am using all kinds of Pulse community third party scripts in the sites, I sort of...make my own plugins but generally rely on those supplied by the community. It really is a great, supportive and friendly community and I love being a part of it.
Most of the sites are hosted on shared hosting and run really well."
Work your way like Mary.
Ready to get Started? Join Mary and 1,000s more living the dream and making websites the way they like.